New mode "Ninja Tactics" officially released! Grab victory with a well-honed tactic ! New illustrations only for Shinobi Tactics are also available! A collection of new ninjas!
【豪華絢爛!】ぴえろ描きおろしカード多数!出演声優のボイス付きイラストやオリジナルストーリーイラストなどナルコレでしか見ることができないNARUTOの世界が満載!【英雄豪傑!】新レアリティ解放!限界を超えた強さを手に入れた忍は特別な効果を発揮!1,000種類を超える忍具の装備が勝負のカギだ!キミだけの最強の忍でライバルに差をつけろ!忍の英雄たちの超爽快スキルも見逃せない!【真剣勝負!】キミだけの戦術を駆使した班編成でライバルとのバトルに勝利して、最強の忍を目指せ! 3隊 VS 3隊のPVP、[連合戦]が毎日開催中!ガチンコバトルの[昇級試験] や[ダメラン]も続々開催!【自由自在!】ナルト、サスケ、サクラをはじめ、総出演のカスタムキャラでキミだけのNARUTOの世界を創りあげよう!名物キャラやあのアイテムも続々追加中!【完全再現!】アニメ「NARUTO-ナルト-」「NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝」の描写で彩られた [物語任務] でNARUTOの世界がキミの手の中に!あの激闘や名シーンを追体験しよう!< NARUTO -ナルト- 忍コレクション 疾風乱舞 の対応端末>Android 4.1.0以上(一部非対応端末あり)【Gorgeous! ]Many cards drawn by Pierrot! Full of the world of NARUTO that can only be seen in Naruto, such as illustrations with voices of voice actors and original story illustrations![Heroes Heroes! ]New rarity release! Shinobu who has gained strength beyond the limit exerts a special effect! The key to the game is the equipment of over 1,000 types of ninja equipment! Make a difference to your rivals with your strongest shinobi! Dont miss the super exhilarating skills of Shinobi heroes![Serious game! ]Win battles with rivals in team formation that makes full use of your own tactics, and aim for the strongest shinobi! 3 corps VS 3 corps PVP, [Union Battle] is being held every day! [Promotion test] and [Dameran] of Gachinko Battle will be held one after another!【freely! ]Lets create the world of Naruto only for you with custom characters of all appearances including Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura! Famous characters and those items are being added one after another![Complete reproduction! ]The world of NARUTO is in your hands with the [Story Mission] colored by the depictions of the anime "NARUTO" and "NARUTO Shippuden"! Lets relive that fierce battle and famous scenes!Android 4.1.0 or higher (some non-compatible devices)